Hello and welcome!

Who is the girl on the other side of the mirror?

When I took a deep dive into curating my writing life as I migrated my blog and newsletter to this publication, I recalled the first story I ever wrote. At age ten. It was in search of an answer to that question.

Who is the girl on the other side of the mirror?

What came was the story of Jen and Gin, two little girls who lived in mirrored worlds as they learned about themselves and each other, becoming best friends along the way. (I’m thinking I may need to pull that story out and get it published.)

I’m still writing to discover the answer to that question. Who is the woman in the mirror?

Exploring beginnings further, I pulled up my first blog post on Thought Changer. It was fifteen years ago when I pondered the Michelle Shocked song lyrics that kept running through my head: “When I grow up, I want to be an old woman.”

These words from the post still ring true and are a founding tenet for In a Word: Abundant Creation.

“When I’m that old woman, what I want to reflect on the most are my life’s connections, both the fleeting and the lifelong kind that made up the rich, elegant and profound fabric of my being… It hit me why those lyrics are stuck in my consciousness. It reverberates strongly with one of my core values: making meaningful connections. It’s a primary driving force behind all that I do in my life, professionally and personally.

The path toward getting in touch with your truth starts with identifying your own core values. What drives you? What makes you tick? What philosophies define your way of life?”

Similarly, I’m captivated by life’s metaphors. Now, several years and hundreds of articles later, the fascination continues, as the metaphors never cease. I know the woman in the mirror well now, and the journey of learning more about her has become nuanced and rich. This is what I share. I work things out on the page. It’s often unvarnished, as truth always is.

Why subscribe?

Change your Thoughts. Change your Actions. Change your Life.

Since 2009, I’ve written about provoking change in your life, one thought at a time. I illuminate the big and small metaphors present daily and share my takeaways and lessons that create change in mindset and action. I relish the ongoing conversation about mind-bending ideas, words that captivate the zeitgeist, and the aha discoveries that truly change our lives.

I offer new ways to expand your mind, open your heart, lift your consciousness, and inspire you to know yourself better and to create and live your best life possible.

Or as I like to say, to live in abundant creation.

As an expert student of life, I strive to live in an engaged state of enlightened awareness and I invite you to join me.

Who am I?

In a nutshell, you might say I'm a lover of words, a word shaman. A writer and storyteller finding and creating meaning. I should say I find it meaningful and then since it comes from my truth, it's meaningful for other people too. Okay, I just said 'meaningful' a lot, but hey when there's a better word, I'll use it. I’m a screenwriter with scripts that have placed well in the Austin Film Festival and Nicholl Fellowship, a short film that traveled the film festival circuit a while back, and a feature script that is currently being shopped with a production company, and I’m looking for representation for my debut novel.

When not inside the pages of my writing, I'm a creativity coach, ghostwriter (business & career writing, newsletters, and content), and editor. Some people call me the word shaman. Some call me the gangster of love. Some call me Maurice. (whistle, whistle). But, seriously, glad you're here.

I had a full corporate life as a successful businesswoman. With over 30 years of experience in media, advertising, sales, and marketing I was been responsible for selling and managing millions of dollars in television media on major network affiliates for clients such as Ford, GM, Lexus, Kia, Nestle, Sony, Lionsgate, and many more.

After spending umpteen years in the entertainment and business worlds, I’ve honed and toned my true gift of getting to the heart of a story. As a creativity coach, I guide people to get to the heart of their creative endeavors as well, whether it's a business/personal mission, life purpose, book outline, online seminar/course, or website copy, I come together with them through tooled Creative Jam Sessions to co-create magic.

And, here's the thing, I've been there. I've struggled with the creative process myself. I've been stuck inside fears that over my lifetime have held me back from my true creative potential. I've learned, through much trial and error, what works and what doesn't. I've been there. We’re gonna talk about this here too.

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  • All essays, posts, and newsletters will remain free. You’ll receive two to three per month (sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more).

  • You’ll also be able to follow me on Substack Notes. I’m still figuring this out.

Monthly or Annual Subscribers

For $5 a month, you’ll receive:

·       My deep gratitude for supporting the expansion of this work

·       Access to my annual Word of the Year workshop in January: it’s THE way to set the intention for a vibrant year.

·       Discounts on my courses, workshops, and events wherever possible. 

Founding Subscriber:

If you’d like to work more closely with me and support the In a Word work that I’m creating here, the Founding Subscriber offers some exclusive benefits:

·       A 1-1 Creative Jam Session: to jam on your beloved projects. ($200 value)

·       Exclusive online group events: deep journaling and/or creative discovery work where you’re an active participant in your transformation.

·       Support the community: Your membership will help sponsor an annual subscription for someone who needs the financial hand to participate.

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For soulful seekers who are moved by words. Essays and musings on midlife, mindset, and meaning. Changing your life, one thought, one word at a time. "In a Word" is an Abundant Creation Publication and is read across 27 countries.


Writer. Story carrier. Opener of doors. Creativity coach. I write powerful stories and help busy creatives create. Inspiring the world by exploring life's metaphors. Proud aunt. Pet mama.