What’s Through That Portal?
What may or may not be stopping you from opportunity in 8:8 Lion’s Gate
What may or may not be stopping you from opportunity
A dense cluster of trees framed the path ahead of me on my morning walk this morning. It was a new route so I was unfamiliar with the terrain. As I neared, I found myself looking for escape routes. I was alone and for a flash of a moment, I went there.
I was alone on a path I’d never been on before. I was afraid that maybe something was going to jump out and get me, maybe stop me or attack me or kill me perhaps (not really, but for a tiny second, the mind goes there). I noticed an easy exit to a busy road nearby, the escape I’d searched for.
But I decided to forge ahead anyway and go through the scary passageway. Which was a beautiful path, a gateway, a portal to the unknown on the other side.
I dared to slow down and notice the foliage in all colors of green and how the trees reached for one another over the path and kissed each other at the top. Oddy, it made me feel seen, safe, and cared for as I forged through the portal.
It made me think about other gateways, portals, and passages that I’m stopping myself from forging through because I was too afraid or because of the unknowns awaiting me.
What’s over there?
Portals fascinate. What lurks on just the other side? What answers are beyond? Are there secret codes or keys that unlock their gateways and life treasures?
Literature has many great portal stories where the hero or heroine passes through one and finds a new adventure, a new way of being. Think of Dorothy’s front door in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz or the wardrobe in Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. There’s something powerful about the sense of wonder that takes over, the freshness of spirit and verve, as one embarks on life’s new direction.
I’m thinking about portals and pathways a lot right now as various life choices present themselves.
And, as synchronicity often happens, passing through the gateway today is especially interesting. We are amid a powerful cosmic portal. A dear friend reminded me of this today.
8–8 Lion’s Gate.
It happens every year on August 8th, just on the precipice of the Leo New Moon.
Lion’s Gate opening, according to astrology, signifies a substantial cosmic shift, change coming, and invites an opening for transformation and manifestation.
When you’re paying attention, “this can be an influx of divine wisdom.”
Basically, it’s a great time to let go of what doesn’t serve you and call in your higher purpose.
Forge through your own new paths and portals.
See them before you, notice where you’re looking for escape routes, where fears creep in to sabotage opportunities and new experiences.
Listen to your inner guide and move forward. Trust yourself.
Portals can also be internal openings into your truth. In other words, a phrase or thought can crack open an opportunity for growth.
“Vulnerability is the portal to feeling. Feeling is the portal to strength.” ― A.D. Posey
A portal of communication is an opening for open-hearted discussion and relationships.
Transparency is the portal to genuine authenticity.
“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” ― James Joyce
So, how about taking some time this week to ask about what you want in life?
Light a candle. Feel the energies in your body. Interestingly, you can feel it if you get quiet and still enough.
“Praise is the portal to the presence of God.” ― David Brazzeal
Meditate and pray to let go of what isn’t working in your life and receive your higher calling. It’s a powerful prayer and one that’s worth repeating—a lot.
Then, release it all under the new moon.
Enjoy the portal. It’s a wonder what awaits. I’ll see you on the other side.
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