Greeting the sunrise this morning, I fell in love with the sun all over again, as its yellow and amber rays framed the treetops, and its soft heat crept through the morning chill to spray my face.
It’s comforting to know that the sun is always there, even on stormy overcast days. The light of the sun is just behind the clouds. It truly never goes away.
The subject of light is in the zeitgeist right now with text and SM streams full of missives for us to keep our inner light shining rather than focusing on looming darkness.
It got me thinking about the light we hold, its power, and how what we illuminate matters.
This week's word: Illuminate
Illuminate. What a shiny word.
It's a verb meaning "to supply or brighten with light; light up.” Or, “to make lucid or clear; throw light on (a subject).” Or, “to make resplendent or illustrious.” Or, “to enlighten, as with knowledge.”
Elucidate. Clarity. Floodlight. Ignite. Kindle. Irradiate. Lighten. Enlighten.
At a retreat a while back, I settled into a quiet room to meditate in solitude. The room was dark with shadows lurking in corners and I felt around for a light, hoping for a dimmer switch to ease my eyes. There wasn’t one so I left it dark and felt my way to a soft place to land.
It was probably an hour later when I glanced toward a wall of windows on one side of the room. It faced the backyard, which was lit beautifully with twinkling strings and clusters of light. It took a moment, then I couldn't help but laugh because all of that light had been streaming into the room all along. I just couldn't see it at first, I was so focused on the dark. The reflections of the yard lights danced at interesting angles around the room. There I was fumbling around for the dimmer switch when the light was already there.
The thought came: Light always finds its way.
“However vast the darkness we must supply our own light."— Stanley Kubrick
So, if we are light beings, and I believe we are, then it stands to reason that we have within us the wherewithal to find our way too.
That led to a myriad of thoughts about light during that meditation. Some are still lingering with me for you to ponder...
Our inner light illuminates our path, so we can always find and follow it.
When an intersection or crossroad presents itself, if we’re paying attention, our light becomes a streetlamp rather than a beacon, allowing us to pause to consider our options.
Our highest light, the light connected to God-Source is like a huge Hollywood spotlight, continually purveying the larger view. Always knowing what’s ahead. What to avoid. Where to go. We just have to ask and trust.
“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”— Maya Angelou
Light has no emotion. It shines the light on our emotions but it doesn’t judge them or determine right or wrong choices. It simply illuminates so we can choose for ourselves.
Sometimes some try and force their light on others. They do whatever they can to make sure everyone knows how bright their light is, often by trying to overpower or suck the energy from the room. We all know people like this, right?
But, here’s the thing. Chances are that brand of light will burn people along the way. It may seem easier at the moment to dim yourself down to keep the peace, or even worse to allow them to control your light switch.
The truth is no one can dim your light unless you permit them.
When around that kind of energy, the steal-your-light kind, the antidote is to turn up your dimmer switch. It’s not a battle, it’s standing in and owning your light. Do it often enough and you’ll find yourself more surrounded by others who see you and meet you where you are, rather than pull you down.
Your light is your power. Your power is driven by your light.
Sometimes you may dim your light for others to make them feel better about themselves. To downplay your significance, or to apologize for yourself. The disservice here is double-edged. Not only are you shortchanging yourself and not living in your best light, but you’re robbing them of the experience of discovering their light for themselves.
The true awakening happens when you realize you’re in control of your dimmer switch.
We’re always reflecting each other's light.
You’ll meet others with whom you want to share your light and bask in the glow of each other’s gifts. To teach, and to learn, to inspire and be inspired. This is community light, camaraderie light, collaboration light.
This is the work. You know it when someone is lit from within. Seek them out.
Our eyes and hearts are portals from which to share our light. A kind greeting. A listening ear.
Our eyes are our spotlights. I try to refocus my attention on what matters most. It’s not always easy. Clickbait and bad news can be intoxicating.
Nature illuminates nature. Stars illuminate our dark skies. Lightning bugs illuminate the dark forests. Jellyfish illuminate the murky waters.
Over thirty animal species have eyeshine—caused by a reflection in the back of the eye—so their eyes glow and illuminate the dark, giving them night vision.
Their light is integral to their survival. Or in the case of my Hemingway and Fitzgerald, finding their way to the litter box in the middle of the night.
Faith illuminates from within. It’s the light of spirit that’s always on. It’s lovely to know and trust that. The inner knowing. The intuition that’s in constant communication with the heart. When I listen to her, she always knows.
This is also the work. To not be afraid of your dark moments, but to recognize they are part of life. The work is to illuminate your shadows for transformation and growth.
Decisions and choices come with conviction and deep truth when made from that openhearted and well-lit place.
Aha’s, nuggets, and wise thoughts are bulbs shedding light on learning, expansion, and growth. Seek these out. How awesome is it that these happen all the time like thousands of lightbulbs going on all day long?
So, back to the sun. This morning as I peeked at the sliver of sunrise, I felt light, airy, free, and grounded. Connected.
It’s comforting to know that our light never goes out. Never. Even when it seems we can’t help ourselves from going down the dark and doomscrolling rabbit holes.
We beam as light—humans emit bioluminescence and electromagnetic energy. We bear light. We share light. We connect with light. We seek light. We inspire the world with light.
So, embrace your light. And, find your place in the sun. The world needs you.
What came to light for you as you read this?
Take a few moments to notice and share your light. What you illuminate matters.
Journal Prompt
Prompt: Sit quietly for a few moments and try and connect with your light, that intuitive beacon inside of you. What does it look and feel like? How has it guided you until now? Does your light have a message for you? For others?
Things to Share
Here are a few more things worth sharing this week:
A quote I’m pondering, sent to me by a dear friend: “There’s a light inside you that’s always there, even on the hardest days. It’s that quiet, steady part of you that refuses to give up—the part that holds on when everything feels uncertain. This light doesn’t need to be perfect or bright all the time; sometimes, it’s just a soft glow, but that’s enough. It’s enough to guide you forward, one small step at a time." There’s a lot to work with in this powerful punch of truth.
A still applicable Note:
I hope you have a great week filled with light. And, kindness. If you’re in the States, Happy Thanksgiving this week! I’m grateful for you all.
Keep creating, abundantly,
Cindy, I so love the word illuminate. And I resonate with it even more now.
This, especially spoke to me. Illuminated something new for me:
“Sometimes you may dim your light for others to make them feel better about themselves. To downplay your significance, or to apologize for yourself. The disservice here is double-edged. Not only are you shortchanging yourself and not living in your best light, but you’re robbing them of the experience of discovering their light for themselves.”
A beautiful essay.