Rekindle your spirit—A Quick Word
An inking to tickle your thoughts. Words have power. Use them well.
I recently got to see a dear old friend from my early LA days. We hadn’t seen each other in over twenty years after she moved to Dallas. As I’m now in Austin we met up in Waco at the Magnolia Silos for our reunion.
When she walked into the restaurant, her light emanating through her smile, she was the same woman I remembered. The same essence. We embraced and instantly our sweet friendship and connection were rekindled. We fell into our familiar rhythm and rat tat tat. I felt energized and inspired when we left six hours later. I know we both did.
As humans, rekindling often is vital for and to our spirits, hearts, and minds. It got me thinking about rekindling the spirit as a regular practice.
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts.
This week's word: Rekindle
Rekindle. What a warm word.
Rekindle is a verb meaning "to cause to begin burning again; ignite again." Or, “to excite, stir up, or rouse anew.”
Reflare. Reanimate. Recharge. Regenerate. Rejuvenate. Renew. Resurrect. Resuscitate. Revitalize. Revive. Revivify. Rewake. Rewaken.
Love all of the Re words! To begin renewed.
Re means "again," and kindle means "start a fire," likely from the Old Norse kynda, "to light a fire." Rekindle has been used in the figurative sense since around 1300.
Rekindling is re-opening a door.
Rekindling is reigniting the flame inside our hearts. For an old friend. Or an old love. Or an estranged family member. Or a creative passion. Or a deep-felt calling.
Rekindling is transformational when it heals. When it reminds us of a connection that fed or fueled us.
Here’s the thing, for a flame to burn bright and consistently, it will need rekindling from time to time.
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." — Albert Schweitzer
Connection with other beings—people and animals—rekindles and reignites us.
Self-rekindling is connecting to the source of everything—your creator, your inner wisdom, your higher wisdom, your calling.
Get quiet. Journal deep thoughts. Listen to beyond yourself. Beyond what you currently know or understand.
Rekindle your soul through nature to a connection beyond humanity. Gaze and bask in the sun. Breathe deeply in the outside air. Get your bare feet on the ground. Commune with the plants.
"Life alone can rekindle life." — Henri Frédéric Amiel
An article from Nice News popped into my inbox this morning about doctors espousing the benefits of “social prescriptions.” “Some doctors are looking beyond pharmaceuticals and suggesting a different kind of remedy to help their patients feel better: prescribed socializing... social prescriptions can take on many different forms, from art classes and volunteering to spending time outdoors and dancing.”
"Rekindle the gift of God that is within you." — 2nd Timothy 6:a
A change of environment rekindles and refuels the tank.
Take a few moments this week to rekindle the spirit.
Something to think about.
Journal Prompt
Prompt: What does the idea of rekindling mean to you? Where in your life can you do some rekindling?
Want to go deeper into your life? Consider embarking on a journaling quest:
The Art of Journaling to Transform Your Life & Live Your Purpose
A creative journey starts with one step.
What do you want to create?
Perhaps a Creative Jam Session is the key to opening the portal to your highest imagination.
Now's the time for your Projects, Passion, and Purpose™! Book a year of creativity with me and you'll be amazed at what you accomplish.
You can also bring me on as a writer. Need help with a story, treatment, screenplay, bio, website, outline, newsletter, or profile? I’m your ghost. :)
Reply here or email me to chat about it.
I hope you have a balanced week filled with all kinds of rekindling. And, kindness.
Keep creating, abundantly,