It was 5:45 am when I pulled into a spot and exited the car. A slight movement pulled my attention across the dark parking lot as a family of five deer grazed beneath a cluster of trees. I paused in wonder and whispered a good morning to them. It was a familiar feeling of awe for these gentle creatures as it’s a common occurrence where I live.
The small moment of awe started my day.
The wonder of the season is upon us when moments of awe abound, particularly when we’re paying attention.
This week's word: Awe
In an article posted a while back, I referenced ways to reframe feelings of intimidation. By meeting a person or a situation at awe.
This week I’m thinking more about the importance and deliciousness of awe.
Seeking awe. Or being surprised by it.
Creating awe.
Awe. What a wonder word.
It's a noun meaning "the feeling of respect and amazement that you have when you are faced with something wonderful and often rather frightening.” Or, “mixed feeling of reverence, fear, and wonder, caused by something majestic, sublime, sacred, etc.”
“Awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your current understanding of the world.”— Dacher Keltner
Wonderment. Amazement. Astonishment. Admiration. Veneration. Respect. Revere. Worship.
The awe of the human spirit is top of mind and heart in a particular way for our family this year.
The Monday after Thanksgiving, my mother rang the bell for her final chemo treatment, a big moment of awe — with all of us cheering her in person and on Facetime. Then, that night she fell while getting out of bed and broke her hip. Followed by surgery, a week in the hospital, and a current stint in a rehab facility where she makes steady, daily progress in learning to use her new hip.
I’m in awe of her strong will and determination. Alongside my dad’s constant and deep force of love and words of encouragement. He’s recovering as well after breaking five ribs in a fall the week before Mom. I’m in awe at how they bolster and take care of each other.
Mom creates moments of awe. It’s one of her love languages and is always on her mind. She’s even doing so while convalescing as she makes easy friends with other temporary residents and delivers baskets of Christmas cookies and treats to the staff. They all know her and love her already.
“Without awe life becomes routine…try to be surprised by something every day. Try to surprise at least one person every day.”— Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi
How do you define awe?
Notice the awe-some moments in your every day.
“Wisdom begins in wonder."— Socrates
Make it a point to create some awe for someone in your life.
Journal Prompt
Prompt: What are your awes? What feelings arise? Go into your senses to create a touchstone of wonder and awe.
I hope you have a great holiday week filled with awe. And, kindness.
Finding Awe. I love this. I hope your mother’s healing comes with ease!
My awe inspiring is always nature. I love tuning into the sounds of nature and the way they live so freely.
love it...there are so many moments and things that can inspire awe. The sky towards evening often fills me with awe