The two babies were sleeping.
That night I had the I-wish-it-happened-more-often opportunity to babysit my great nephews, Hudson and Lincoln, while their parents and grandparents had a night out seeing an Austin comedy show.
Huddy lives with his parents in Michigan, and Lincoln lives with his parents here in Texas. So, Great Aunt Cece was thrilled to spend a treasured night with the little guys.
After they were snug as a bug in a rug, I settled in to find a movie and selected “Eat. Pray. Love.” I’ve seen this movie numerous times for numerous reasons, not the least of which is that it feels like a warm hug. But, this time it was also because it was the answer to my nephew Kirk's inquiry to the family at the Christmas dinner table the day before:
“What movie, TV, or fictional character best portrays you, who you are? What character captures your essence?”
This was a fun question to ponder over the next day as I reviewed characters I’d connected with and related to on a thematic level. I landed on the protagonists in two of my go-to films, both based on memoirs: Liz Gilbert in “Eat. Pray. Love.” And Frances Mays in “Under the Tuscan Sun.”
Both writers and women on quests to make sense of life, appreciating the deep metaphors and exploring the meanings and lessons in their angsts and joys. Can I relate? Um, yeah.
I honed in on a particular scene in the heart of Rome, where Liz shares a delectable Italian meal with her new friends. They discuss their respective cities and how each city has a word to describe its essence. Their word for London was stuffy; for New York, it was ambition; for Stockholm, it was conform. Then, the question is posed, “What’s your word, Liz?” She hems and haws until her friend says, “Maybe you’re a woman in search of a word.”
Hmm. I love both explorations. Great for introspection as well as dinner conversation.
What character exemplifies your life’s theme?
What’s your word?
Every year at this time, I dive into choosing a word for the upcoming year. I go through a tried-and-true process I’ve done for over a decade.
It’s become a thing. The word becomes the theme for the year, a guiding principle, a GPS, and a tapestry that continues to weave and transform throughout the year.
It’s kind of amazing the impact it can create in your life.
It’s also become a thing I started sharing with others a few years ago and will be doing again this Saturday!
I hope you join me.
Saturday, January 4th, 9 AM PT / 11 AM CT /12 PM Eastern
For 75-90 minutes (on a Saturday so you’re unhurried and free to be with yourself fully)
The deets are here.
What will you walk away with? A cool process that will provide a touchstone all year, one that will guide you to being better and empowered to thrive and ease through your life.
Imagine how great you’ll feel. If you do the work, by the end of 2025, you’re wiser, more centered, and further ahead than you are today.
Together we’ll explore with wonder and wisdom to help you create and launch a powerful 2025.
“I am a blank slate therefore I can create anything I want."— Tobey Maguire
Hope to see you!
I’d love to hear if you think of a movie or TV character that captures your essence! Please share in the comments.
Maybe perspective? Or balance.
Fun game! I'll ponder words...