“You’re a good papa.”
The 7-year-old son in the movie PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS whispered this to his father, Chris Gardner, as he tucked him into bed at the homeless shelter they frequented while Chris, played by Will Smith, struggled to build a better life for them. I love this scene — on YouTube — where Dad teaches the lesson: “you got a dream, you gotta protect it.” This movie recently came up in conversation and it got me thinking about fathers on this Father’s Day and how the most relatable father figures possess some of the most important qualities in good leaders and, for that matter, good people. I know my Dad does.
A good father figure:
Provides a stable and sound environment
Is a supportive teacher
Sets guidelines
Lives by example
Respects other’s opinions
Is trustworthy
Is a good listener
Uses steadfast judgment
One of my favorite father figures from literature is Atticus Finch in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird.” He was a strong, compassionate man who never passed up an opportunity to teach his children valuable lessons. To his daughter Scout he said: “The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.”
We all innately have a father and a mother inside of us. And, it’s the use and balance of those mother and father attributes that make for effective living, in every area of our lives.
Remember it, teach it, and live it.
Happy Father’s Day!
Originally published at www.thoughtchangerblog.com.